“Brushes, Brew & Wine 2”

January 27, 2015

art class, painting with raneyBB&W2...Cornflowers

A great time was had by all at the art party hosted by Boondocks in West Jefferson…painting with Raney makes it all the better!  Folks from all walks came to try their hand at putting brush to canvas and the results were spectacular!  Art rules!!!

Movie Possibility

January 23, 2015

I just saw “Shall We Dance”, an old movie on Netflix with Richard Gere and Jennifer Lopez.  I found it entertaining -the dancing is pretty amazing – and had some integrity, something I find missing in many genres these days.  Just thought I would share, as I am going to start sharing my dining experiences, anything that might make life easier and more beautiful and really, just the things that make living a more “artful” experience.

Checking out the new blog site…..

January 20, 2015

Painting with Raney can happen in many ways…but it is always fun, filled with information and an experience to be remembered.

Great Arty thing to do!

January 20, 2015

Sunday, January 25th from 2-4 pm you can come and  “Paint with Raney” at Boondocks Brewhaus in West Jefferson.  We call it “Brushes, Brew & Wine 2” and all supplies are provided!  You come and I will pull the artist within….out!  I promise!!!birthday boy b p&p

“Brushes, Brew and Wine 2” at Boondocks in West Jefferson

January 8, 2015

birthday boy b p&p

Boondocks in West Jefferson presents an event not to miss..”Brushes, Brew and Wine 2″ January 25th from 2-4pm with well known artist Raney Rogers, who will make an artist out of you no matter what!  Cash bar, snacks and supplies are provided.  All you need to do is reserve your space and plan for an afternoon of squiggles and giggles…almost better than a massage!


December 2, 2014



December 2, 2014
wise men, holiday, christ child, star of bethlehem


Creating a better composition…..

July 25, 2014


In order to create a more visually pleasing and interesting composition I simply cut off the left side of the painting in the first image as there was too much “dead” space equally divided on each side of the original painting as seen in the second image.  Now the subject “Dancing Buddhas” is more obvious to the viewer.

ONLY 48 HOURS left!!!

September 25, 2013

Go to www.indiegogo.com/projects/487117/wdgi/4263492 now to contribute to “Painting with Raney” – a new art instruction show that is fun, instructional and inspirational!

Three shows are already scheduled for filming and ten more are needed for air on PBS.  Until then you can view the show on mtn18.com beginning the first of November.

Help us make this happen for Raney AND for everyone who loves art. Be a PATRON OF THE ARTS!

We will personally thank you for your support!

Acorn Gallery

January 27, 2012

This winter the gallery is being used primarily as a studio space for both my painting and my show, the Art and Soul Network.

Our current phase is adding sponsors, of which we now have four!